29/01/2022 “One rule for one, one rule for another”

Jonny Cosmo
4 min readJan 29, 2022


[Picture from the Guardian, 19/12/21, Boris and pals enjoying wine and cheese in May 2020 — Source: end of article]

Does this phrase, that we have all heard, have a positive or negative effect?

In these trying times, with talks of the UK’s Prime Minister hosting a party with his colleagues whilst the public were prevented from holding (or in some cases even speaking to) their dying loved ones. Over this whole pandemic we have heard uttered the phrase “one rule of them, one rule for us/One rule for one, one rule for another.”

The problem with hearing this phrase over and over, as it has become almost a slogan that can be heard on the news, in pubs, in the streets and in our houses; is that whilst the statement itself has significant connotations about the segregation of our aristocracy from ordinary life, repeating it over and over is only going to normalise the idea in our minds. Reinforcing the exact message which the phrase is against. Subconsciously rendering us desensitised to the matter.

Can anyone else hear the reflection to George Orwell’s Animal Farm, “all animals are equal… but some are more equal than others.” To bring up another phrase that was often used in past times gone, “Not for the likes of us…” this phrase was said to rationalise the difference between the elite and working classes, the working classes of traditional times stating how decadence was not meant to be for them. In today’s time, the expression “one rule for them, another for us” means more along the lines of “the elite are allowed more freedoms whilst the general public have to suffer with restrictions.”

The fact is we have no other choice but to allow a government institution to literally ‘police’ the government only further goes to support the idea of animal farm. It is almost laughable, as is every action of this current government under Boris Johnson. This is the kind of fascistic action that could be expected of Russia, allowing itself to be investigated by the KGB. Ask yourself would that be more or less surprising if this incident was committed by the kremlin.

The sue gray report, whilst not being already publicly released, if it ever does meet the public eye it will be heavily redacted. Even if this party in subject is known about already by the entire country without debate or argument, the pictures were already first put on the news! To me it seems, again, as this current Conservative government has repeatedly done, they are buying time. With their cronies in their pockets, and there is no knowing how wide spread the web of fiends goes. There would be no surprised if the head of the MET has a prerogative in supporting the Prime Ministers interests. [Sue Gray report: redacted version is imminent, say government sources | Boris Johnson | The Guardian]

Sue Gray is another aristocratic enigma, the expectation for a high up Government employee to do the public justice and investigate the Government. Is that not against her vested interests? However you’d like to understand the establishment, in the game of it, if the state institution is to tear itself apart the nation as a whole becomes weaker.

Another phrase we’re hearing around this matter is “Partygate” this is a direct reference to the scandals of “Watergate” and “Pizzagate”, the fact stands that the repetitive use of these terms desensitises us to the actual severity of the situation; let alone the fact that the words used here are already formed into a quippy slogan which desensitises us and differs from the actual topic at hand.
For reference let’s use different language:
Watergate — An anti-democratic attack by the president at the time against his election opponents. “In May 1972, as evidence would later show, members of Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President (known derisively as CREEP) broke into the Democratic National Committee’s Watergate headquarters, stole copies of top-secret documents and bugged the office’s phones.” [The Watergate Scandal — Timeline, Summary & Deep Throat — HISTORY]
Pizzagate — How Pizza Parlours and Pizza orientated language were used across America to cover up child abuse and child-sex-trafficking. This reference may be more of a reach than the others as it has later been debunked as a conspiracy theory. At the same time, this scandal would reportedly have connections to the likes of Epstein and as all the British public know the former Prince Andrew had connections to Epstein; Prince Andrew used a Pizza Express as an alibi for his allegations of sexual-assault on children. [Pizzagate, the fake news conspiracy theory that led a gunman to DC’s Comet Ping Pong, explained — Vox]
Partygate — Finally, we arrive at the current headline that has taken our media attention. Rephrased as it’s actuality; The UK’s Prime Minister hosted multiple parties with his colleagues whilst the British public were prevented from seeing their loved ones, in the worst of situations for their loved ones to die alone.

Is the ‘-gate’ terminology used to reference the former mentioned scandals? Is this a tactic to desensitise us to the severity of the situation with some quippy gimmicky slogan? Or is this actually used to equate this situation to the vulgarity of the other crimes.

Boris Johnson and staff pictured with wine in Downing Street garden in May 2020 | Boris Johnson | The Guardian

Who is Sue Gray, the new head of No 10 Christmas parties inquiry? | Coronavirus | The Guardian

The Watergate Scandal — Timeline, Summary & Deep Throat — HISTORY

Pizzagate, the fake news conspiracy theory that led a gunman to DC’s Comet Ping Pong, explained — Vox



Jonny Cosmo

My name is Jonny Cosmo I am an aspiring poet from Preston, Lancashire, UK. I have battled with my mental health for many years and now hope to inspire others.