01/06/2022 22:57 WednesdayFriday

Jonny Cosmo
1 min readJun 1, 2022


On the cusp of the jubilee weekend, today marks the beginning of the weekend; A Friday on a Wednesday.
Yet with all the celebrations that are about to unfold there seems to be an ominous atmosphere on the air. Almost as if I can taste the anticipation for the fervent sesh that is about to take place these next few days. Men will not return home for days on end and relationships may suffer. Protests will unfold throughout the country primarily focused within London; If there were even a more historic time for a revolution to happen this would be a spectacular time. All in the sake of Ole Bess.
Many of the well-established people in this country will be enjoying their long awaited grand weekend, drinking, street parties, hopefully a sense of solidarity under monarchal rule. Yet all will forget, those that still serve them.
There may no longer be serfs or peasants manning the fields or underprivileged proletariats in service to the queen and for that matter none of us at all have to show any form of service.
We’ll still drink though, party the celebration of a diamond jubilee but I can’t shake the feeling. This ominous yet alluring feeling. That something absolutely terrible is going to happen.



Jonny Cosmo

My name is Jonny Cosmo I am an aspiring poet from Preston, Lancashire, UK. I have battled with my mental health for many years and now hope to inspire others.